OUS Opens Minneapolis Regional Office to Expand Carbon Reductions through Energy Savings-as-a-Service Platform

Delavan, Wisconsin – Onsite Utility Services Capital expands with regional office in MN

OUS Capital (www.onsiteutilityservices.com ) expands its funding platform for energy efficiency contractors and end users to Minnesota. Onsite provides off balance sheet funding including service for equipment for carbon reduction and energy savings ranging for LED lighting to power optimization or advanced HVAC and refrigeration technologies.

Fritz Kreiss (ceo) added “With the economy and capital constraints for businesses and schools we had a lot of energy efficiency contractors and clients coming to us to remove the CapEx and Debt Barrier By utilizing our Carbon Reduction and Energy Savings-as-a-service platform, the client takes on no debt nor utilizes any of its capital for achieving energy and carbon saving goals. Onsite provides all the capital for the upgrade and simply charges a monthly fee. Removing the CapEx barrier means more facilities can achieve their carbon and energy saving goals while retaining their capital for the company or organization”

Written by OUS

January 24, 2023

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