Lighting-as-a-Service Funding- Human Centric Lighting with No CapEx or Debt for Nursing Homes

Delavan, Wisconsin – Onsite Utility Services Capital expands Human Centric Lighting as-a-Service Funding Platform to reduce Fall Risk and Depression

OUS Capital ( ) launches Human Centric Lighting-as-a-Service Funding Platform nationwide for nursing homes and assisted living centers. This breakthrough lighting technology allows a nursing home to follow the circadian cycle for their patients by adjusting the lighting to blue white light (sunlight) during the day and amber as it comes to the evening. The studies have shown that by mimicking the sunlight that fall risks are reduced by up to 43% and depression is reduced by 60%. Changing the lighting to amber in the evening allows for more melatonin production promoting better sleep. 30% of patient falls happen in the night so additional solutions provide for a light under the edge of the bed to light up if the patient’s feet hit the ground to reduce tripping and falling.

Fritz Kreiss (ceo) added “With the economy and capital constraints for healthcare facilities, we had a lot of energy efficiency contractors coming to us to remove the CapEx and Debt Barrier to expand this proven technology. Human centric lighting is a passive safety and improved health and well being solution for nursing homes and assisted living centers. By utilizing our as-a-service platform, the client takes on no debt nor utilizes any of its capital for the safer and improved health for their patients. Onsite provides all the capital for the upgrade and simply charges a monthly fee. Removing the CapEx barrier means more facilities can get this health and safety improvement now for their patients”

Lighting research studies have shown the cost of a fall and injury range from $17,000 to $52,000 (including hospital, orthopedics etc.) and is the number 1 comorbidity factor.

In addition to improving the safety and wellbeing for their patients, human centric lighting-as-a-service also saves energy and improves the bottom line while reducing your buildings carbon footprint.

Written by OUS

January 31, 2023

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