Immersion Cooling for Bit Coin Miners offers 30% CapEx reduction and up to 90% Energy Savings on HVAC

Delavan, Wisconsin – Onsite Utility Services Capital launches Immersion Cooling for Bit Coin Miners to reduce CapEx and operating costs along with increasing equipment longevity.

OUS Capital ( ) launches dielectric immersion cooling for bit coin miners that is 1400% more effective than blowing cool air across computer processors. Immersion cooling eliminates any need for chillers, RTUs, fans or ductwork. CapEx savings are greatly reduced by up to 30% as well as allowing for greater density of processors due to the enhanced cooling capability allowing for more processors per container allowing a better ROI.

The dielectric fluid directly cools the entire processor and all but eliminates traditional failure caused by fan failure, oxidation, dust, dirt and changes to humidity including refrigerant leaks that are bad for the environment. In addition, energy savings range from 40% to 90% over traditional cooling with no use of water for evaporation. Immersion cooling allows processors to run cooler and have less exposure to any thermal stress allowing for processors to last longer thereby enhancing the ROI.

Fritz Kreiss (ceo) commented “Immersion Cooling systems are available for purchase, leasing or if financially qualified, BitCoin Miners can use Onsite’s Carbon and Energy Savings-as-a-Service funding platform with Zero CapEx  or debt. Onsite provides all the capital for the upgrade and simply charges a monthly fee that is less than what they currently spend. By removing the CapEx barrier, more BitCoin Miners can achieve their carbon and energy saving goals while retaining their capital for the company growth and operations. Bit Coin mining can now be more environmentally responsible and less reduced impact on the electric grid.”

Written by OUS

February 16, 2023

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