OUSCapital.com enters a purchasing contract with TIPS to provide energy and water efficiency solutions to their members

Delavan, Wisconsin – Onsite Utility Services Capital enters into a cooperative purchasing contract with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) to provide energy and water efficiency solutions to their members and project funding under the Energy Savings-as-a-Service platform.

OUS Capital (www.onsiteutilityservices.com ) RTU and chiller Optimization provides a hi-tech solution for retrofitting or replacing commercial HVAC systems by integrating solar thermal and smart compressor controls to improve the operating efficiency with Zero Capex or debt. Integrating solar thermal into the refrigeration cycle to do the work the compressor otherwise uses electricity for puts the suns energy to work to help cool our buildings. This has been made possible by converting fixed speed compressors into variable speed with our smart compressor controller. Another benefit is that the entire system qualifies for the 30% ITC and an additional 10% for domestic content under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Fritz Kreiss (CEO) commented “With RTUs and chillers being the primary methods for cooling school buildings, energy systems targeting their optimization can have a major impact on carbon reduction and reducing the school’s energy spend. But the use of capital for improving existing RTUs or Chillers is not where the traditional school wants their money focused on. By utilizing our Energy Savings-as-a-service platform, the school takes on no debt nor utilizes any of its capital for achieving energy and carbon saving goals along with reducing CapEx funds to update HVAC systems. Onsite provides all the capital for the upgrade and simply charges a monthly fee that is less than you currently spend. Removing the CapEx barrier means more schools can achieve their carbon and energy saving goals while retaining their capital and budgets for education”

Fritz added, “OneSite’s integrated approach allows us to add clean air technology and air quality monitoring for an additional 20% energy savings under ASHRAE 62.1. This is a perfect time if someone needs to purchase new HVAC because our integrated clean air solution, you can downsize of the system tonnage up to 25% because you are cleaning the air instead of having to heat and cool new unconditioned air from outside. If we are replacing a 40-ton unit, we can use a 30-ton unit at a lower cost and get the benefit of a 40% ITC and 50% energy savings to help pay for the RTU. Our funding platform can remove the capital barrier for a school from moving forward with carbon and budget savings without impacting taking on debt.”

Written by OUS

February 23, 2023

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